Thursday, July 08, 2004

Who's Fifi?

So my name isn't Fifi. There is a story behind the name though. In middle school, I, like quite a few tween (although we weren't called that in my day--hehe) girls, went through a period where all my girlfriends decided they no longer wanted to be my friends*. I believe it had to do with my hair being frizzy, something about a poodle (we were in middle school after all). They froze me out, but I wouldn't go down without a fight. When the moment struck I yelled in hallway "Fifi Lives!"

At the time it didn't really do much but invite bizarre stares, but later I realized that in that moment the moniker "Fifi" became my mode of resistance to conformity. An affirmation of my existence, if you will.

That said, I invite you to enjoy the further adventures of Fifi!

*Luckily, I later reconciled with one of those girls and ever since she has been one of my very best friends. "Keri, she's a girl..."


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