Monday, July 04, 2005

KTV accidents

I love me some KTV. That much is clear. I seriously can't get enough, and everyone else I work with knows it very well. They have all noted that the karoke bar owner greeted me like an old friend, and when we happen to be at KTV together, they deliver the book of English songs right into my hands without even asking. This is true friendship---KTV style.

So when they told me that we'd be having a KTV party after graduation, they knew I'd be completely stoked. Sadly though, on the actual day, I was pretty tired and debated not going. This is the problem, because after 10 months of living here, I should have known that you have to get to KTV right away. Sure enough, being a whole 15 mintues late meant that we wouldn't be singing any of our songs for at least two hours. Possibly longer. Taiwanese folks love the KTV even more than I do, and have no problems with putting in 15 songs each, to be played in order of course. This made for sad times, with all the English speakers in this room with failing air conditioning and a couple of six-packs, listening to hours and hours of sad Chinese love songs. Doh.

I had to leave before the songs came up, because I felt that I was losing what little moisture remained in my body while sitting in that sweatbox. I returned home disheartened by the KTV buildup, and even sitting in a room at the Holiday KTV, but no actual singing. Bummer. I guess there's always next time.


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