Thursday, August 12, 2004


Few posts, much stress. I got back today from making the final trek into Chicago to get the visa. Me, Jeff, and a couple bottles of wine always adds up to fun times! I had slightly less fun getting lost in the city and driving in so many huge circles. It was hard to let the aggressive city-driving go when I got back onto the turnpike. I found myself cutting people off and forcing my way into lanes. It was as if I had discovered a new sense of highway entitlement mixed with a dash of apathy and a twist of rage (you would think apathetic rage is an oxymoron...). So much trouble for such a little sticker in my passport...Thanks to Jeff for letting me crash on his couch on the short notice.

To relieve some of the anxiety of leaving the country I've been checking out pictures and reading as much as I can about Taiwanese culture. I'm really fantastically pumped and I can't believe that in 8 short days I'll actually be on my way. This is nuts!


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