Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Not So Fast, Ms. Jones

I heard about the scooter. The other girl finally got ahold of the woman I had talked to and I lost out. Who can blame her for not passing up a free scooter? The search continues...

The TV thing didn't work out exactly as I had hoped either. We got the tv, but it's older so it doesn't have the hook ups we need to be able to watch movies at the apartment. I need to buy a DVD player. I should be able to scrape the funds together soon enough...

On the plus side, I did score a crockpot this weekend and as of yet nothing has squashed my excitement on that tip! I'm looking forward to experiencing the many pleasures a slow-cooked meal can afford.

I was reminded of something that always makes me smile today when I went into work. One of my students, Kenny, who loves to say hi to me when he sees me, ran up to me in the hallway and yelled "Cashie!" Some of the younger students have a hard time saying the "ss" sound, so it comes out "sh" which I love. I think I'm going to change the spelling of my name to "Ca$$ie." Sometimes they do the most hilarious things! Kenny, later in class, was so excited to show me his new stickyball (that looks exactly like mine) that everytime we had a break or I started to play a game with the stickyball, he pulled out his new toy and held it in the air yelling "Teacher Cashie!" Another kid, Jarod, who has got to be one of the cutest kids I've ever seen, was apparently having a problem with his twig and berries. He sits in the front row and for most of class had his hand stuck firmly down the front of his pants. I told Stella, the CT, about it and after we stopped laughing, she went over and whispered something to him. I noticed later he had removed his hand from his pants. They crack me up!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

(kris) Oh Cashie, you and your Stickyball adventures... I had some funny moments with my students this week too--but it was more me laughing at them after class than me laughing with them ;) I hope the homesickness is waning--although i guess it probably comes and goes a bit. You seem to have built up quite a community--which is great. And, when you get your scooter, you can be sort of like the Hell's Angels ('cept different). My proposal is due on Monday...so I hope your weekend is more fun than mine :) hugs!

1:43 PM  
Blogger CJ said...

Good luck with the proposal!

My homesickness seemed to be more of a bout of prolonged moodiness, but it seems to have gone away for the moment. I have missed being a student though these last few days. I missed writing papers and what not.

I now realize that may be the exact wrong thing to say to someone who's trying to write a proposal...oops.

3:33 AM  

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