Sunday, March 27, 2005

Bad Day

Sorry about the tone the ol' blog has taken of late, but I can really only write what is happening and my response to it. Perhaps I'm still adjusting to my new schedule/workload, perhaps I've got new kindy germs to deal with, but I can say this with complete clarity: Friday was a bad day!

It started waking up from a deeply restful sleep only to realize that it was 8:30 (I usually leave about 7:30) and with my 40 min. commute I had no hope of being on time to work. On the way to work my nose started running uncontrollably. Strange given I hadn't completely recovered from last week's cold yet, so the onset of a new one seemed bizarre. From there it went downhill. The kids were really good at misbehaving, to the point that we practiced sitting quietly, not talking, and paying attention to the teachers for 45 mins! Dude! So, bone-tired, I scraped myself onto the scooter for the drive home, and tried to rest. Unfortunately, I had had some tea, and was completely incapable of sleeping. So red-eyed, and runny-nosed I drove to work at 4 pm. On the way, I had a breakdown of sorts, the emotional variety as opposed to the scooter kind (refreshing change, eh?), and started to cry. Got to work, still crying. In order to spare the majority of embarrassing details, I will only say that I cried until about 2 minutes before my first class that night. This was the direct result of nothing, just a culmination of minor frustrations.

An amazing discovery: a very large and boisterous class of mine, when warned of a splitting headache, will be very quiet. Thank the gods!

In order to try and have some fun (I've been working crazily, and haven't had any money/energy to go out) I put myself back on the scooter and drove out to Fengyuan. This was a big mistake in retrospect, but I had arranged to crash there anyway and I knew I needed to have some fun. Wrong. Apparently all the crying and coffee drinking had drained me of all fluids, and then the beer I had didn't make it any better. I woke up the next morning with a fever, a splitting headache, and a bit of the nausea. I spent the entirety of Saturday sleeping and shivering, waking up just long enough to sip some water, watch bits of two different movies, and eat half a bowl of instant noodles. Today was slightly better, I could actually get out of bed, and had enough energy to make it to a movie with some friends.

In any case, it is becoming ever more clear just how much I need a vacation! Soon...very soon.


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