I just discovered the spam in my blog. I must say that I feel rather violated! I mean that's like crawling inside someone's diary and scribbling an ad for some new car or something. Shudder. Sick.
The adventures of a curly-haired woman in Ohio. Is it possible for eyeballs to crackle from the lack of humidity?
Hi! I was reading your blog and thought you might like to hear about the all encompassing love of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ! Jesus was the son of God, who created the universe; in the beginning, he was with God, before being born as a man to forgive our sins. Jesus' FREE LOVE GIFT is available to everyone, except women, who are foul and sinful beings who bleed from the crotch and cause good christian men to go astray. I hope you will find it in your heart to kill yourself for what Eve did in the garden of eden. Thankyou.
I'd know that message anywhere! Hi Eoin!
Guess what I just found out! Actor Tim Conway, who plays Tim the ice-cream man in 'The Shaggy DA' (1976), was a graduate of BGSU! I know how much you love that movie, just had to share.
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