Sunday, November 27, 2005

Death to the Turkey

It's great seeing old friends over the holidays. I'm back in Ohio for the great turkey feast and I've forgotten how much I love the mid-west. On my way to meet a friend staying in Orrville (To the uninitiated, it's the home of Smuckers Jams and not much else), I drove by some of the best middle-America signage! You know you've landed when you see signs such as "Nothing Satisfies like Beef..." and restaurants serving All-You-Can-Eat Pancakes *and* Chili. I'm not sure if the chili and pancakes came together as a meal, or perhaps one on top of the other, but I was on my home and I didn't really feel the need to stop and inquire.

Other exciting things I passed included an old circus trailer. And I mean an awesome old wooden one with carved decorations around the top and sides. Most of the paint had worn away and it looked pretty beat up, but was still one of the coolest things I've ever seen. That one I almost pulled over for!


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