Monday, February 13, 2006

30 Days: Day 15

Hey, I've made it to the halfway mark! Who knew?

Today's adventure (well not really today's but sometime in the last three days, I think I've mixed them up) was a trip to La Perla Tortilla Factory. I'd seen the sign for years, and was always curious what was behind those "Open to Public" doors.

Apparently, all the Mexican products one might need: Pinatas, Mexican candies and pastries, spices, dried peppers, of course tortillas, but also Mexican sodas and other fizzy drinks, canned goods, small gifts, and lots of Spanish-language magazines.

I'd say it was a pretty sweet find and I enjoyed watching my co-workers faces when I explained where I'd gone that day. "The tortilla factory? Why?" or "There's a torilla factory?" Apparently doing stuff out of curiousity isn't something they are into at the SB.


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