Friday, February 24, 2006

How Quickly We Forget

I'm writhing with jealousy. Ryan is tripping the light fantastic in Ireland, Molly is missing dripping bloody steaks in the Ukraine, Jen is off to Thailand for Chinese New Year, Jay is howling at the full moon in Tanzania, and I'm off to another day at the SB, where I can watch while folks trade gossip about married life, babies, and how wasted they all got last night at the cowboy bar. I was hoping to drum up some adventure here at home, but it's not working so far. I just want to feel that feeling. The feeling of being so light you could burst and you couldn't hold back the smile if you tried. It's what makes me feel alive. Travelling doesn't always give me that feeling, but adventures do. I guess I'm just ready for a big one.

I think I might also feel better if I cracked some theory again. It's been a long time since I've read any non-fiction.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

(eric) you ought to get a motorcycle and spend the spring tearing up the midwest.

7:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel any better, I keep wishing I was in America. I really want to go out in the woods with a lot of warm clothing on and light a fire.
You need to email me your address- I packaged a book up to send to you (non-fiction) back in November, even put the postage on, but didnt send it because I had no address in Montreal. My Mum has it and is waiting for me to get your new address so she can put it in the post from the UK.

8:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(eric) come to think of it, as a good 'Murrican, your adventures should be those of consumption -- why don't you try goign to a different mall every day?

9:13 AM  
Blogger CJ said...

Mysteriously there aren't that many malls in the area to frequent. Lazy capitalists! Don't they understand that I need more shopping venues?

Until then my adventures in consumption will have to me more of the alimentary variety.

4:29 PM  
Blogger CJ said...

I miss my scooter!

4:30 PM  

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