Thursday, March 16, 2006

New Trend or 30 Days: Day 23

I had another day of eyeball scratching cabin fever. I did have a car this morning and before that cabin fever had set in I went to the fabric store on a mission. I'm going teach myself how to knit. So, I found an instruction manual and a ball of deep red yarn and set to learnin'.

The crazy part was later in the day I got that itch again. The climbing the walls feeling that keeps getting more intense and strikes when I conveniently have no vehicle. It's to the point where I'm looking to do something dangerous. Play times with a stranger, calling a friend I know will get me into trouble, or anything that I would generally consider not such a great idea was becoming more appealing with each passing minute. As a result I wrote/made several potentially embarrassing e-mails/phone calls but in the end, I ended up no place near what I was looking for (which I suppose could be a good thing). I later found myself turning up to the Village Player's Theatre to watch a play in 3 acts with a happy ending, surrounded by season-ticket-holding patrons with an average age of 62.

It wasn't a bad play and it was nice to get out of the house, but again there's the appearance of the Bettie/Betty double-headed beast. One has all the intentions and the other does all the action. So Bettie wanted to *get some* play, but Betty ended up *watching* a play. Here's to hoping it's a pattern put behind me.


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