Yesterday I decided that I needed a change. I had fallen into a Taiwanese rut, I suppose. Since, I've been running low on cash and saving what I can for a scooter, I've been sticking pretty close to home. Internet cafe in the morning, work, home to hang out with the roommates or Susan and Brian, and a movie on Wednesday night. Given that my last two weekends have been pretty boring, I was beginning to lose my mind.
Kris and Stella, some women I work with, have been inviting me out for Pop Quiz night at Chubby's every other week. Finally, I decided to take them up on it and get out mid-week. It was wonderful! I got to play some trivia, meet some new folks, and check out a new place all at the same time. So much fun! Sadly, Kris had to leave early because she works at Kindy about 40 minutes away in the morning, but when I left we were in the lead! I'm always amazed when I'm hanging out and I look around to realize I'm sitting with a Brit, two Taiwanese folks, a chick from the Czech Republic, and a Kiwi! I love that I get to meet people from everywhere.
Susan and Brian told me an amusing story about a recent trip to the night market. They met a woman studying Chinese at one of the universities in Taichung from Venezuela. They were with a Taiwanese woman and an Australian, and between the 5 of them, they were trying to use three different languages to communicate! So much fun!
Kris and Stella, some women I work with, have been inviting me out for Pop Quiz night at Chubby's every other week. Finally, I decided to take them up on it and get out mid-week. It was wonderful! I got to play some trivia, meet some new folks, and check out a new place all at the same time. So much fun! Sadly, Kris had to leave early because she works at Kindy about 40 minutes away in the morning, but when I left we were in the lead! I'm always amazed when I'm hanging out and I look around to realize I'm sitting with a Brit, two Taiwanese folks, a chick from the Czech Republic, and a Kiwi! I love that I get to meet people from everywhere.
Susan and Brian told me an amusing story about a recent trip to the night market. They met a woman studying Chinese at one of the universities in Taichung from Venezuela. They were with a Taiwanese woman and an Australian, and between the 5 of them, they were trying to use three different languages to communicate! So much fun!
hey chicka
i loved your post. you sound like you're having SO much fun in Taiwan. i'd love to just pack up and do the same thing. is this the first time you've gone off on your own? for that matter, DID you go on your own? does it get lonely?
man, the more you think about things the more fear you conjure up. i should just catch the next flight out!
I've lived away from home once before, but I was sixteen and I moved in with a French family for a year. It was dramatic in the sense that I'd never been away from the family for so long before, but I was all set with a ready made new one so even though I had to adjust there were people around all the time. This is the first time I've moved away knowing no one else. Luckily, I've made some friends so loneliness isn't so bad. I will say though that I've only been away for two months and I do miss my friends and family bunches and bunches. But there is something to be said for rolling the dice and trying something new.
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