Tuesday, April 04, 2006

30 Days: The Last 5 Events

A friend of mine mentioned the vaguely apocolyptic undertone of my countdown, but rest assured the end isn't coming neatly at the end of this 2-month-30-day countdown.

It must be said that I wished for the end around the middle of the 4th event, but I'm getting ahead of myself.

No. 5: The Wine-Tasting. I hosted a wine-tasting at the Scenic Rock Ledge Inn, a bed and breakfast in Port Clinton. It was mostly a family gathering with a few friends sprinkled in for a Wellness Weekend. I had spent a month preparing for my one hour of tasting, gathering wines, cheeses, making flyers, devising a gameplan, making notes, etc. And I was quite nervous beforehand although I wasn't admitting to myself how nervous I was. So, as everyone relaxed with massages, yoga, make-overs, and cocktails. I tried not to keel over from the seizing muscles in my lower back and hoped my voice wouldn't crack as I began my talk. Luckily it went well. Very well in fact, and that can be partially attributed to the conversation I had with Jim and Rachel about what wines the guests might prefer, sweet ones. So, I changed my game plan a bit and we tried a cabernet, a shiraz, a muscadet, chardonnay, and 4 dessert wines, instead of the 3-3-2 I had originally envisioned. It was a hit, the ladies came away a little tipsy, and a little more knowledgeable about wine.

No. 4: Sex Toys: Fun for the Whole Family? After the wine-tasting, I was beat down, a little tipsy myself, and ready for a nap or at least a little alone time. So I curled up in the bed, turned on the TV, and tried to quiet my aching muscles. My mom came to join me and we talked for a while before my aunt burst in and told us to get our asses into the living room for the last of the wellness weekend events, the sex-toy party. Yikes. Now, it wasn't the idea of sex toys that I found creepy, it was sitting in a room with my aunts and cousins talking about swelling creams and whatnot. My cousin Jim, who like all the other men, had been sent away for the day, came back early to check up on us and caught a glimpse of my Aunt Linda holding an enormous twirling purple vibrator. He didn't sleep so well that night. But, despite my fatigue, I stuck it out while we tasted lotions, smelled potions, and held jiggly plastic parts and as it began to die down I found a break and snuck off to bed.

No. 3: Being Stood Up on a Birthday. It wasn't my birthday or else I'd be livid, but I haven't ever been left out of the loop when someone asks me to come out on their birthday before. Mya asked me to get the day off work so I could have the crazy party times, but the day of not a word about what was happening. By the time I called her she was gone and I never did hear from her that night. Luckily, my other friends were unreachable so I ended up watching a PBS special about Jon, the man with Down Syndrome. Sometimes my social life is on fire!

No. 2: Coming to the realization that I hate my job. I didn't ever love it, but it was tolerated and at moments, even amusing, but after my third double shift making less than 100 dollars, I decided that it really isn't worth my time or my energy. I came home and woke up the next morning at 7 am to scour the want ads. To my dismay, I found nothing aside from welding jobs and teaching gigs for certified teachers.

No. 1: I've been delaying my Toledo sucks rant, because for a time I thought I might be able to enjoy it or find some cool people or make a space for cool stuff, but I haven't. I haven't met any new people after going out many times a week (at least not hanging out with type people), I haven't found anyone interested in making a new space or even meeting with me for coffee to brainstorm ideas), I have done cool things but always alone. This may be the direct result of No. 2 but I'm really lonely! I want a partner in crime! I want someone to do wacky things with! I miss all those people who would be interested in renting a helium tank to see how many balloons it takes to float a cat. They all live in Chicago or Minneapolis or Alexandria. I don't have any close friends at the moment since everyone is so busy. It's actually quite frustrating since I missed them so much in Taiwan and now I'm home, but we might as well be half a world apart from the amount of time I see them. So, I'm now looking for the first opportunity to get out of Toledo. A trip, a job, anything will do. I tried my best to make a go of it here, but it doesn't seem to be working and I don't really feel like there's a place for me here anymore. So, in search of greener pastures it is.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As the Jehovahs Witnesses discovered, several times, predicting the certain end of eveything is a bad idea. And I know you are smarter than thse crazy jesus hop heads.

I remember the Rock Ledge Inn. It was indeed scenic, and i enjoyed myself, despite feeling like a silly fool in my "doesnt quite fit anymore" school suit, meeting Mr and Mrs Middle America and trying to sound like I knew anything about what was going on. People always enjoy a bit of wine. Unless, like me, wine makes their insides ache.

Sex toys and family. No. British. No no no.

Birthday loop. Well, that does suck. I was recently told about a great birthday party some of my co-workers had. I mentioned "You never called me". They said "We didnt know your number". Funny, they always seem to know my number when everyone is sick and they need someone to come in and work at short notice. Still, they are all 18, fuck 'em.

Shit jobs. Well. Yes.

And finally, being far away from freinds and not metting anyone new. Indeed. Sucks. Rob a bank and fly over here, we will go look at things with pouches, use Australian Greyhound and sit on the beach a lot. Til then, I will also have no freinds and be very lonely.


8:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cass, I think you can substitute teach or teach at a private school without a teaching certificate.

11:10 PM  

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