Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Thoughts on the 30 Days

The final conclusion of my 30 days experiment: My original intent was to consider the possibility that in the case of boredom, it's not the place that's boring, it's the bored person that is. So I set out to do something new everyday and make some adventures of my own around here. In the end, I realized that the premise is crap. I've done all I can to have fun here. I've been to art openings, shows, plays, coffeehouses, museums, bars, restaurants and shops. I've chatted with folks, although I suppose I could do this more and I'm still bored, but this doesn't make me a boring person. I've done a lot more new things than most of the people I know in the last 2 months, but that doesn't make them boring. Busy? Yes. Reluctant to try new things? Potentially. But they aren't boring people. There are cool things to do in the this town, it's true. But cool people are much harder to find. In the end, the saying is a silly motivational tool to give someone hope that they can change their situations by changing themselves. The falseness of it lies in it's claim that by changing yourself you will find happiness in whatever surroundings you are in. But sometimes changing yourself means that you don't fit in your surroundings anymore and that you won't be happy there. And while I still believe that you can stay in a place and make the effort to help it change with you, I feel like I'm alone in this desire. If there are others hiding out in Toledo, I don't know where to find them or how to reach them. It only took me 4 months to lose interest, which is sad, but I just don't have the energy to keep looking anymore.


Blogger Molly said...

Lady, all I gotta say is that you are one cool cat. It takes real guts to try to better your situation or do new things, especially on your own. Sometimes wickedly cool people have a hard time finding other wickedly cool people to hang with, because their cool factor is so far off the charts that no one else can keep up. Or some stuff like that.

I'm sure that Toledo is not as bad, as say...Um...Give me a minute...But seriously, I give you mad props.

When in doubt, you can always join the Peace Corps: www.peacecorps.gov

10:03 AM  
Blogger CJ said...

I'm honestly considering the Peace Corps. That's for the props, Molly.

2:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My personal strategy is "try to become less disatisfied with boring surroundings by getting used to watching bad TV and reading a lot of books." It has had similar success rate to your experiment.
Beware self-help truisms. Some places do indeed just suck. Like England.

8:14 AM  

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