Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Uncle Jailbird Joey

I love Back to the Future. A lot. It's my favorite. I just never thought I'd have an Uncle Jailbird Joey in my family.

My brother's life continues it's downward spiral as he finds himself faced with jail-time yet again. I wish I could help, but there doesn't seem to be much I can do. It's not even 6 month intervals anymore. He's going down fast. Keep your fingers crossed he hits bottom and bounces back without ever killing anyone.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Cheese Sculpture

Bored on a long road trip through Wisconsin? Try one of these exciting activities.

Getting high on sodium: There are smoked meats galore in WI. Brook and I found ourselves in insane laughing fits after consuming large amounts of meat and meat food porducts on a recent roadtrip. Drawback: we could feel our fingers swelling round bedtime.

Challenge your friend to a cheese sculpting event: Brook and faced off using a bag of cheese curds. We intently studied the curd and then worked using only our teeth and hands to set free the sculpture hiding within. Inspired by the land, I loosed a buffalo. Inspired by Whoopi Goldberg, Brook found the colby Starship Enterprise. We admired the beauty by displaying the cheese curds on the dash until they began to glisten and eventually sweat the orange grease that only pure artistry will sweat. Drawback: This should be researved only for the best knee-drivers. Brook often needed both hands to maneuver her curd which could have led to a distrarous situation.

Or heck! Combine the two and try creating meat artwork while high on sodium! Who knows what kind of crazy fun that could be!