Wednesday, July 14, 2004


I had a super fun time this past weekend in Chicago. I was visiting Jeff pre-Taiwan. I mean, there were the blisters, killer sunburn, and losing the wallet on the way out of town, but just remembering the show Out of Control and Diz's 'whisper-scream' made up for all of that! Who knew meeting shorn men on the beach would provide enough stories for the rest of the weekend?

I'll be heading back next week for a visit to the TECO to apply for a visa. Woo bureaucracy!

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Who's Fifi?

So my name isn't Fifi. There is a story behind the name though. In middle school, I, like quite a few tween (although we weren't called that in my day--hehe) girls, went through a period where all my girlfriends decided they no longer wanted to be my friends*. I believe it had to do with my hair being frizzy, something about a poodle (we were in middle school after all). They froze me out, but I wouldn't go down without a fight. When the moment struck I yelled in hallway "Fifi Lives!"

At the time it didn't really do much but invite bizarre stares, but later I realized that in that moment the moniker "Fifi" became my mode of resistance to conformity. An affirmation of my existence, if you will.

That said, I invite you to enjoy the further adventures of Fifi!

*Luckily, I later reconciled with one of those girls and ever since she has been one of my very best friends. "Keri, she's a girl..."

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

The First

This will eventually be dedicated to my random adventures in Taiwan. Until then...testing...