Miaoli Bird's Nest
Lea is taking off in a few days, and she needed to get some souvenirs before she left. We'd both heard that Miaoli was a nice place, so Sunday we jumped on a train and tried our luck.
Sadly, we forgot our copies of Lonely Planet, which was mistake number one. Mistake number two was not having checked the weather to know it would be 97 degrees with high humidity. So as we stumbled, blinded by our own sweat through the streets of Miaoli, unable to locate anything of interest, we stopped into a tiny little open-air Vietnamese restaurant for a 'refreshing' break as the strains of horribly-sung karoke loudly filtered down from upstairs. We had no idea what anything on the menu was so we took a chance and ordered whatever it was we could pronounce. Turns out it was a nice little bowl of noodle soup, complete with strnagely delicious liver-esque chunks and big fat pork knuckle, there was even some pig skin with hairs! It hit the spot (and we had a bit of fun daring each other to eat the fat!) and while we were waiting, we had noticed some beverages. Lea asked if I'd be interested in the Bird's Nest drink and I said, "Sure." (Insert Marge-esque growl here). With a name like, " Wonderfarm White Fungus Bird's Nest Drink" how could you say anything other than "Give me some of that sweet sweet nectar!" So we read the ingredients list hoping desparately for some clue as to it's contents. "Water, sugar, white fungus, and bird's nest," wasn't completely helpful. We crossed our fingers and opened the can while Lea said, "If there's duck fetus in this I'm gonna be pissed!" So we drank it and found it tasted like sugar water with jelly-like chunks. Not bad. We kept the cans as evidence of our daring-do and set back home.
Now, I've had tried things in the past just for shits and giggles only to find out I had consumed something vile later, the ubiquitous congealed pig's blood patties being first and foremost in that category, but I never really expected this. Turns out that bird's nest is the result of some chemical process by which the bird's nest is broken down leaving only bird saliva and whatnot. Ew. Just what one wants on a hot summer day: a frosty can of bird spit. Shudder. I'm not sure I should let Lea know exactly what it was she drank...
No word yet on what the white fungus is.
Sadly, we forgot our copies of Lonely Planet, which was mistake number one. Mistake number two was not having checked the weather to know it would be 97 degrees with high humidity. So as we stumbled, blinded by our own sweat through the streets of Miaoli, unable to locate anything of interest, we stopped into a tiny little open-air Vietnamese restaurant for a 'refreshing' break as the strains of horribly-sung karoke loudly filtered down from upstairs. We had no idea what anything on the menu was so we took a chance and ordered whatever it was we could pronounce. Turns out it was a nice little bowl of noodle soup, complete with strnagely delicious liver-esque chunks and big fat pork knuckle, there was even some pig skin with hairs! It hit the spot (and we had a bit of fun daring each other to eat the fat!) and while we were waiting, we had noticed some beverages. Lea asked if I'd be interested in the Bird's Nest drink and I said, "Sure." (Insert Marge-esque growl here). With a name like, " Wonderfarm White Fungus Bird's Nest Drink" how could you say anything other than "Give me some of that sweet sweet nectar!" So we read the ingredients list hoping desparately for some clue as to it's contents. "Water, sugar, white fungus, and bird's nest," wasn't completely helpful. We crossed our fingers and opened the can while Lea said, "If there's duck fetus in this I'm gonna be pissed!" So we drank it and found it tasted like sugar water with jelly-like chunks. Not bad. We kept the cans as evidence of our daring-do and set back home.
Now, I've had tried things in the past just for shits and giggles only to find out I had consumed something vile later, the ubiquitous congealed pig's blood patties being first and foremost in that category, but I never really expected this. Turns out that bird's nest is the result of some chemical process by which the bird's nest is broken down leaving only bird saliva and whatnot. Ew. Just what one wants on a hot summer day: a frosty can of bird spit. Shudder. I'm not sure I should let Lea know exactly what it was she drank...
No word yet on what the white fungus is.