The next day was, I would say if I had the appropriate gentalia, a ball-crusher. I had kindy, drive directly to more training, drive directly to work at night. No breaks, no naps. I showed up to training on time, but something wasn't sitting right and on my way out of the bathrrom 15 minutes later, I ran into Charlene. This woman, like so many other Taiwanese workers I know is a powerhouse. She works 3 jobs, has two kids under 5, and finds time to help us out too. She took one look at me and in an ever-so-subtle way informed me that I "looked *really* sick." I glanced at myself in the mirror, and sure enough, I had big black circles under my eyes, which were red-rimmed, but they really brought out the green of my skin. I pulled myself up the stairs to training, struggled to keep my eyes open, but the fits of dry, hacking coughing kept me awake long enough to curse the evil woman who had planned this training.
I asked to leave early, and when I got home, I knew I needed another doctor and quick. I decided to take the evening off. Little did I know how sick I really was. Later, that evening the fine doctor at Chung Shan Medical informed me that I had a mild case of pneumonia.
Now, usually I wouldn't have pushed myself so far before taking time off. In fact, I regularly tell the women at work to get some rest. I apparently had no use for this advice myself. I guess working with people who show up to work unless they are bleeding profusely from a severed limb (although I think Jacqueline would just patch herself up and keep teaching), has started to rub off, because all my normal responses to this situation had been altered. "You have a mild case of pneumonia...." (Pause) "Can I still work?" I said. Not, "how long until I can work, " "how long should I rest?," or the equally responsible, "Will I be ok?" I ask if I can go to work tomorrow. I am a damn fool.
I took three days off from work, and have spent them blissfully in bed napping, and watching movies. It feels really nice, but I'm worried about going back to work. I've used up all my sick days, and I'm not sure how I can work less, or get more rest. I wasn't going out anymore (a part of my life I sorely miss), I was napping as much as I could inbetween classes, and I was sleeping as much as I could at night. I can't really think of any ways to change my pace to keep me from getting that sick again. I will have to remember to drink more water and take my vitamins. Hopefully, that will have some impact. Plus, my vacation is coming up in less than two weeks now. Yippeee!