Sunday, May 15, 2005

Suitor #1

I went on date number two with a guy I'm not very interested in, simply for the company. My dating life has become so ridiculous as to provide excellent material for a book of some kind.

Often, there are those moments when you really shut off. Maybe you're a little interested, but the other person says or does something that puts all possibility of dating out of your mind. These moments were usually the thrust of most Seinfeld episodes, and I think the show must have adversely affected my ability to date normally. In any case, one of the moments happened on Sunday morning.

Stephan and I went (well, not so much went as darted through the rain) to breakfast with Lea and as we were talking, I noticed Stephan had an unidentifiable chunk of food on his hand (Really it could have been anything. The Taiwanese dig organ meat). Before I could say anything, and as if he noticed me looking at his hand, he nervously ran this same hand through his hair. His hand came back clean and suddenly I was finished. It was that quick. I also thought about how something Lea had mentioned about toenails in his bed...All in all it was yet another calamitous entry in the book of love.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

(eric) aha! research for your seimi-autobiographical chick-lit opus! bestseller list, here we come!

12:15 PM  

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