Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Field Trip

The Cats and I took our first field trip together yesterday. They have a monthly field trip, but through the luck of pneumonia and my vacation home, I had missed them all until yesterday.

During the first part of the day, I reminded them that it was Wednesday and as we had discussed we would be going to the grocery store. Yes, I'll say it again, the grocery store. We went there to look at the fruits and veggies we've been learning the names of. The Cats were all quite excited and talked about the bus endlessly. I even got the kids to eat their snacks in nearly five minutes (a feat given they take 45 minutes to eat a tiny bowl of rice).

They held hands and the old folks stared at us as we bumbled through the store using such wonderful English phrases as "What is this?" and "Do you like X?"

The best part was the elementary school flashbacks as we piled into the bus. I spontaneously burst into song. It was as if "The Wheels on the Bus" had been hiding in a tiny part of my soul waiting to burst forth if the appropriate moment ever showed itself.

I'm still adjusting to the whole authority role thing, and yet in certain moments it seems to come so easily...


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