Yesterday was a bad day. We're all entitled to the occasional craptastic day, I suppose and I got mine yesterday.
Nothing specifically bad happened in the morning aside from the increasingly routine "fight for naptime" I have with myself around 11am-1pm. I wake up early to take Dad to work and then try to relax enough to go back to sleep. This doesn't happen very well as I inevitably find myself right on the verge, jolting back to consciousness, and then trying to relax back into sleep mode. After a frustrating amount of time, I got up, did my laundry for work, finding my pants BBQ-sauce stained, and in need of a second washing, and took off an hour before work to pick up Dad and deliver him to another teaching gig. It's pretty routine, and I'm okay with it because it's temporary. I get a car, problem solved. Only this involves money...
Money I didn't make last night at the SB. 20 minute ticket times, cheap customers, and the most consistently bad tips of my life. Then, while trying to help out other servers, my manager reams me out. My crime? I happenned to know all the details in a situation involving some nachos. It involved neither my tables, my food running, or anything else other than my knowledge of said problem. I was yelled at for something I didn't even do! It was uncalled for. When I mentioned this, I was met with a cold stare. What I thought was even better, was this was my first night *not* screwing up some thing. Usually I make some little mistake like ringing up a drink under the wrong guest number, but last night things were running smoothly for me. So, I was understandably perturbed when she gathered all the servers to ream us all out together for 30 minutes in the back.
So much frustration later, I crawled exhausted and pissed into my car at 11pm. So, yesterday's new activity? Being yelled at by a manager for something I had no part in. It sure was fun! And sadly, extreme exhaustion has led me to no car today (I just couldn't drag my ass out of bed at 7:30 to drive Dad to work) so, it will take some brain storming for new things to do around the house.